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Director - Chairman: Mr Steve Young - 01323 642797.  16 Avard Crescent, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN22 8TU



Director - Vice Chairman: Mr John Bishop - 27 Harebeating Crescent, Haisham, East Sussex



Director - Treasurer: Mr Dave Esmond - 07716337426.  173 Percival Road. Eastbourne. BN22 9 LB



Director - Secretary: Jim Fitton - 01323 849454 / 07709755584

Assistant Secretary: Lauren Bond - 07779922213 



Director - FOT/Events:  Mr Tony Wooller  01323 441159


Director -Mr Ian White         01323 733183


Director- Roy Warren -         01323 502551 14 Regnum Close, Lower Willingdon, East Sussex.  BN22 0XH



 Director - Sharon Winter     07849 626405


Festival of Transport team -  

Show Secretary Mike Boyd.

Tony Wooller Chairman - 01323 441159. 

Treasurer  Dave Esmond- 07716337426.  

Steve Young  Site supervisor - 01323 642797 .

Health and Saftey - Sam Wooller.                                     



EHVC Health and Saftey Officer -     Sam Wooller


The following are not elected or voting officers, but have agreed to assist in an ex-officio capacity, offering support/expertise to the Directors as requested.

They may be substituted or added to, by agreement, as required.


Website - - Seth Brown -   Kineller Dittons Road Polegate BN266JG  - 01323 484843




Membership Secretary - Sandra Dew, 01323 500001.  42 Huggetts Lane, Willingdon, East Sussex BN22 0LU




Newsletter Editor -   Roy Warren.  0751 4449279.  14 Regnum Close, Lower Willingdon, East Sussex.  BN22 0XH





 Toy & Collectors Fairs, Polegate -  Richard Dew, 01323 500001. 42 Huggetts Lane, Willingdon, East Sussex BN22 0LU




 company secretary - Gordon Trenchard 01323 484283


Vice-President - Mike Bray, 01323 843017


Club Regalia- Sharon Winter

Any newsletter items for the next edition to Roy Warren on 0751 4449279  or email:

If members would like a full colour Downloadable copy of the club magazine in PDF format . email: Roy Warren request at


Any newsletter items for the next edition to Roy Warren on 0751 4449279  or email:

If members would like a full colour Downloadable copy of the club magazine in PDF format . email: Roy Warren request at

Club Contacts

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