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Eastbourne Historic Vehicle Club
The Eastbourne Historic Vehicle Club Ltd. dates from 1975 and resulted from the activities of a small group of transport enthusiasts.
It is a member-involved club, run for their enjoyment and benefit. Its aims are simple and straight forward and its activities diverse within the preservation field.
Eastbourne Historic Vehicle Club meet on the 4th Thursday of each month
at Langney Sports Centre in Priory Lane, Eastbourne BN 23 7QH
Welcome to the Website for
Festival of Transport Entrance
forms available end of March

Club Nights
27th Febuary
Trevor Weeks. WRAS
Wildlife Rescue Ambulance Service
East Sussex Founder now operations Director. Will be giving a chat about this important and demanding service

27th March 8pm
Ray and Jacqui Sparks
Present the history
Punch and Judy

Collectors Fair
Sunday 6th April 2025
Polegate community centre
Windsor Way, Polegate, Nr Eastbourne
East Sussex BN26 6QF.
Admission £2.00 (children free)
9am to 1pm. Free parking. Refreshments available
Contacts. Richard Dew 01323 50000 Peter Holmes 01424 846676

keep upto date with
Events; for New events
Shop /Regalia: for New Stock
Vehicles for sale: Fantastic Triumph Bonniville

Eastoric News. The Copy deadline for the Spring edition is 28th Febuary2025. Memberssubmissions are always welcome and stories, letters to the editor, Pictures etc all help to make the publication more 'rounded' as the voice of the membership is very important.Submissions via email to
Pleas also notethe due to (now overcome) computure problems the Spring edition will revert to the original newsletter format magazine. This change is only temporary and the
A5 28 page magazine will return for the Summer edition in June
Roy Warren- EHVC Director and Club Magazine Editior.
Any newsletter items for the next edition to Roy Warren on 0751 4449279 or email:
If members would like a full colour Downloadable copy of the club magazine in PDF format . email: Roy Warren request at
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